Sunday, February 05, 2006

musKEEEEETOES?!? in THIS weather?!? :-O !!!

I canNOT believe this.

It's 65 frigid degrees out there. My hands and feet are numb. How in the WORLD can any self-respecting mosquito be flying around biting people in this cold? They should be SLEEPING. That's what all the lizards and snakes and most of the butterflies and stuff are doing.

So wtf is Florida's state bird doing swooping around sucking people's blood on a day like this?


Ah. I get it.

These must be TOURIST mosquitoes.


(heh heh snowbirds, state bird, get it?)

They idiots think this is WARM.

--All right. You're not welcome here today. Go away. Go back up north where you came from. Go bite Livey and leave me alone.

mosquitoes, on a day like this!



Northwoods Woman said...

So, I'm a idiot for thinking 65 is warm? Hell around here that's just perfect weather!
And keep those damn mosquitos I hate them!

k said...

hee hee hee!

I know you do. I figured that's why you sent them down here in the first place!

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address unknown
no such number
no such zone