Wednesday, November 02, 2005

When the Going Gets Tough...

I like asking people what their animals did during the storm.

Most say, They hid. Under the bed, in the closet, or in the Cat's Secret Mystery Place in the kitchen.

One guy told me his dog is a Co-Dependent, so it followed him everywhere he went.

What did Mr. BabyCat do?

He took a nap.

Right in the middle of a howling hurricane.

Must be one of the benefits of great old age.


Attila Girl said...

Ooh, a spambot got here first. How infuriating.

During the last big earthquake down here, my mother bragged that she just stayed in bed. Of course, I was up because I'd gotten up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, but I was still quite annoyed.

k said...

Sometimes people are just so smooth, so cool, you want to haul off & punch 'em in the nose.