Monday, February 13, 2006

Innocent as a Cat Toy

Livey's cat, The Little Prince, got totally zonked out from his trip to the vet. (Don't worry, he's better now.) Horrabin suggested tossing a scrunched-up empty cigarette pack as a toy to perk him up.

My cat April was so big on those crumpled up soft packs it was a real problem when I finally quit smoking. I had to *borrow* empties from my smoking friends, so April could play. She loved them so much she'd *fetch,* she'd bring them back to me to toss again, over and over, keeping it up for hours sometimes.

I'd pretend to toss it but fake her out. She'd take off like a rocket, then slam on the brakes - WHERE? WHERE?!? whip her head back and forth then turn and give me a Look, figure it out, come ambling back with her eyes half closed in feigned scorn -- who'd I think *I* was fooling, huh? -- get all happy again just from the noise I'd make scrunching the pack, but still this time keep an eye on my hand as I tossed the toy! - and go skittering and sliding as it ricochet'd around. She'd bat it about, slide, skip...poke at it, careen around after it, catch up again, POUNCE, glare at it -- take THAT! haha! -- and grab it up in her teeth, head and tail held proud and high -- and bring it back to me, mincing her paws. She'd stand there thinking a minute...then gently bend her head down and drop it delicately at my feet.

She was 19 years old when she died in my arms. I buried her with her toys. I couldn't find any crumpled cigarette packs. So I went to Publix and bought a pack. I had to go to two or three places before I found my old brand. That was important.

I was trembling, shaking like a leaf from head to toe, silent tears rolling down my face. Tried and tried and finally gave the smokes themselves away before I left the parking lot. I didn't want the temptation, even though it had been years since I quit.

And then, I made it home. I made it, and crumpled up that cigarette pack and buried it with her.


Northwoods Woman said...

aww sorry for your loss hun, they are like our babies aren't they?

k said...

Oh yes.

She was such a sweet cat. Cheerful. I missed her so terribly but then it finally got better. Now I feel her around me all the time, and she's always happy.

BabyCat is her son. I was midwife.

That was GREAT.

Desert Cat said...

My little cat Jasmine woke me in the middle of the night last night with the throaty "myowl!" that means she's presenting me with the prey she just caught.

This morning I found her teddy bear carefully placed on my sandals.

I will definitely be missing her someday.

k said...

oh, her teddy bear! Lord above.

Those *only-doggers* who think cats don't know us, or don't know how to love, just don't have a clue.