And what led me to set aside the Great Paper Chase for a few days?
Well. The physical inactivity made my blood sugar skyrocket.
Not to mention...I got some new pain pills. Lyrica, to deal with the neuropathy and fibromyalgia.
All of a sudden, I've been SOOOOO busy out there! '-)
I believe this guy is a Knight's Anole. They're Not From Here. They're from Cuba. Pretty, but a bit invasive.
Can you see him yet? He's sitting on the downed branch, a bit northeast from the center of the pic.
I've seen this guy hanging out in my ficus for a year or so. He's a bit grumpy with me: --Hey. Watchoo doin'? I'm not looking at you. If I don't look you'll probably go away.
--Sorry, guy. It doesn't work that way with me. --Okay. I'll look.
We had a little talk while I was up there taking down his habitat. He wasn't too happy with me, but he knows the score.
He's busy deciding whether to stay, in the severely curtailed ficus vegetation, or move on. But in the meanwhile, he gets out of the way.
You have the most exotic critters around your yard! I think I have seen this guy hanging around on the roof of Snoopy's doghouse, pretending to be the Red Baron....
Ok, on first look at the first photo I saw no anole. Good camo.
I think a lot of people would be surprized at what a variety of critters a yard can shelter...
weirdest looking dang lizard I ever did see.....
Our lizards are all snuggled down in their holes, with their metabolism(s?) close to shut down! It's cold here, unlike sunny South Florida! However, I did find you a lizard comeback! Ain't they cute?
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