I've been feeling a little sad lately, and not always sure why. It's not depression or my health, it's something different. At the same time, my energy level has been way weak, and I'm slow. Slow to do even those things I love the best - like keep up with my fave bloggers.
I read around my favorite places when I can. And the last several days, trying (slowly!) to check in with everyone, I realized that traffic was way down everywhere.
In winter that always happens. Add in the incredibly bad weather so many of you have been living through, and I can see why traffic overall would drop even more.
But as I traveled about, I saw something different: a whole lot of bloggers are having difficult times. Losses and illnesses and bad fears everywhere, it seems. Like a couple commenters have said, it's like there's a disturbance in the force.
So I collected up all the blooming orchids I could bring inside, and took a picture of them. There are only four in bloom right now, but they're pretty ones.
I'm sending you all a virtual bouquet. I certainly may be missing a few of you. If so, please know my heart is still on your side, and I probably simply haven't heard your troubles yet. Let me know, if you like. I'm here for you.
This is for Artemis, Bane and his little daughter Nat, LL, Claudia, Jack, Kirsten - who's been having an incredibly hard time - Nancy, Pepek, Jean, Cindi, Jan, Granny J, doom, John, and kat.
I'm sorry to see so much loss and sadness and strife in your lives. Now I think I understand why I've been feeling sad. I hope things look up, and you all feel better soon.
Bless you k for the beautiful flowers. Thanks for your concern and I am sorry you are down a bit. Hopefully soon, you will be feeling better. We have all this retirement of husbands "to dos" over with and things are leveling out somewhat. My goal is to get back into blogging and letting my feelings out, as I think it helps and it was the intent of my blog.
I think of you often although I do not email as I should. Take good care of yourself and enjoy working in your flowers and other outside stuff. Love you my friend.
Happy Valentines Day!!!
Love the sentiment to your friends. A true friendship indeed!
Bless you, k, for the thought (Picasa is giving you a hard time; I only saw Posted by Picasa instead of my flowers!) In case you haven't linked over to my dotter's post about Mom, you should. It explains so well how we all feel about her leaving us.
k..thank you so much for the lovely bouquet!
In light of the illnesses and losses of others, my stuff seems insignificant, but I do appreciate the sentiment!
I hope that this has been a good day for you, too.
The bouquet is beautiful! Thank you.
And, thank you for your concern.
I seem to be emotionally drained from work and other things right now. It's just been easier to not even make an attempt at blogging, but I hope to get something together soon.
Feel better, dear heart.
Thanks, k, for these beautiful flowers. You are a good friend, I appreciate your friendship.
*The sun will come out tomorrow*--At least that's what Little Orphan Annie says.
CHeers to you, and to all those others on your list!
Beautiful. Thanks.
Thank you for beautiful flowers and beautiful heartfelt message.
Honestly I have been down in the dumps with a big case of the blahs. I can't even make myself put up a post on my blog. It is like I have so much to say but don't know where to start or how to say it so instead, I just don't.
Thank you again, K. You are a sweetheart.
moobear, I'm glad the *work* of getting retired is evening out. That's a big change. And glad you're thinking of getting back into your blogging. It's good for us, isn't it?
dazd, a belated Happy V-day to you, too! I love my blog buddies. Guess you couldn't tell, huh?
granny j and pepek, both of you - I was so afraid of what I figured was going on, it was hard for me to open your blogs. That may not be the nicest way for me to behave, but I just didn't want to know for sure that your losses were there, as if it would make any difference to reality if I just held off for a bit.
I'm so sorry. I know you both dealt with it well, but it still hurts. I wish we could keep our loved ones with us always, healthy and happy. Childish. I know that. I can't help it. I hate death.
Jan, you've been way too sick to say that. I am so very glad you pulled through. I know you'll need time, still. It can get so frustrating when it's slow. I think of you all the time.
Jean, Cindi - that's part of what's been going around. It's a mixture of things, like always.
Sometimes we get sort of...bottled up, that way. I'm getting a bit of that myself. Too much sorrow around. I just want it to stop, but there's no magic wand for us today.
Just some flowers. Flowers are good. I think tomorrow I'll head out to the yard and take some more pix.
Bane, you're very welcome. And I love to read that you're having such beautiful days up there. Does my heart good.
Thankss great post
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