Friday, April 22, 2005

Sooo Slowww

That last post, Back from the Farm, was a reconstruction. The original post was lost. As a tech-challenged aspiring blogger, I'll probably be making a lot of those mistakes, and not fixing them so very quickly. And doing things like changing my template, very slowly.

Or taking way too long to recover Desert Cat's handsome whiskers, now missing from his comment.

I'm a slow person, these days. But I still try to get there in the end.


Desert Cat said...

One thing you might want to consider enabling is "individual post pages". It's a toggle on one of the Blogger settings tabs. What it does is allows people to link to the specific post they are interested in linking to--crucial for getting new readers to funnel into your site.

If you need help, e-mail me and I'll go find exactly where the toggle is located.

k said...

Would that be this?:

"Show Email Post links? Yes No Email Post links let your visitors easily email posts from your blog to their friends."

I set it to "Yes" from the beginning, but I don't see where it shows on the blog itself.

Desert Cat said...

It is found under the "settings" tab, "archive" menu, the second item asks "Enable post pages?"

But nevermind. I just realized that you do have it set to "yes" already. The # at the bottom of your post is your permalink.

Maybe later you could edit your template to add some descriptive text in place of just the #.