Monday, August 28, 2006

Hurricane Preps

WELL! Here we go again.

The cone has shifted, and it's now putting the eye right over my house.

Third eye in 1 year. Katrina anniversary time, no less.

Such fun!

Those of you who haven't already figured out I'm nuts, will now. See, I love hurricanes.

I don't like death and destruction. It's the power and beauty and awesomeness of this force of nature that grabs me.

This looks to be a pretty *nice* one, as hurricanes go. The island mountains will chew it up to some extent, and those poor beleagured people in Haiti and Cuba will take a beating for us. I don't ever wish hurricanes to move away from me and into someone else's patch. Not nice. I'm sorry for them. Their lives are hard enough as it is. Moving onto open waters, spinning off to oblivion, that's the only valid course change I'll ever advocate.

It's already disorganized a bit, and will become more so. Then it's pretty likely to beef up again, feeding off the warm waters once it leaves the islands.

After that...we'll see.

I'm always pretty well prepped. I'll try to get some *extras* done tonight and tomorrow am. But I feel pretty secure.

For now - I have some bricklaying to do.



Granny J said...

So put in a link to your hurricane chasing blogs/pix -- when I lived in Jax, the hurricanes always bypassed us to my great disappointment. After I left, one did hit & my folks suffered by having to cook steaks nightly on the outdoor grill!

Be safe -- and enjoy the big wind.

Jean said...

I went to the store after work tonight....stocked up on pet food
(of course), Slim Fast and vienna sausages.....hope this one is interesting but not bad....take care, dear lady.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I hope you have a lifeboat tied to a tree in your backyard--just in case! Woo-hoo! Did you see the tornados that touched down over my son's neck of the woods in Minnesota last week?... grapefruit-size hail, etc.

I'll keep watching the weather reports!

Desert Cat said...

Now's a good time to have a little steam engine electric plant. With all the stuff that blows down, blows over and blows up, you could keep it fired up for weeks afterward!

k said...

Granny J, Jax has the most impressive record of missing EVERYTHING that eats all the rest of us. I'm sorry you didn't get to join in the experience!

I just found that little chain-thing to link text in Blogger...soon I'll have all sorts of connections up. Just WAIT! HA!

Jean, it looks like this one will affect every one of us, huh? But *not too bad.* Wait and see...

Pepek, I did notice those tornadoes. Those were pretty impressive! Walter's in MN as we speak, passing through on the way to Washington State and Oregon, to my great jealousy. I shall nobly ignore him.

DC, if we'd had steam engines after Wilma, what a difference it would have made! In fact, at the time, I was thinking about them. People were leery of fires because there was just so very much compbustible stuff laying around, they were afraid of one getting out of control. And the smoke from forest fires gets a lot of people sick here already.

But in the end they burned a lot of it anyway.

Considering life without electricity for over a month? And the noise and pollution and fuel costs for generators? I think the steam engines would have been a treat!