Thursday, May 12, 2005

Following Along

I can't think of a polite way to say this.

My poor old cat has the shits.

It's that nasty runny stinky stuff. He does this every couple of years. Either it passes, or I squirt some vet-prescribed Pepto Bismol down his throat, and then it passes. The vet has some fun name for this. Methane Madness, or something.

Usually I can't figure out what set him off. This time, he may have been eating too much extra-cheap canned cat food. But he really likes the stuff, he just gobbles it down.

Or could it be...See, I'm sitting here with this laptop on my lap. The monitor of the house computer is sitting to my right on the workstation. His pillow is next to the monitor. The way it's all situated, he couldn't really see the big old monitor's screen before.

But now he's got more room to walk, and I mostly use the laptop, and he sat next to me looking at the laptop screen as I giggled my way through this poop story via Desert Cat,

That poor guy had a lovely dinner at an Indian restaurant. He liked the food and happily gobbled it up, secure in his innocence. Then he paid the price the next day with the morning-after shits. Really, really dreadful ones.


Babycat surely didn't need any inspiration. I mean, he's always carried this off just fine on his own, before.

I don't really think he can read, either.

But on the other hand...I got my suspicions.


Desert Cat said...

Dried apricots.

I don't know what it is about them with my system, but if Rob does another "Carnival of the Crappers", I may have to write up the story. It woulda made a bear proud.

Funny thing is that I can eat really hot food with virtual impunity.

k said...

Dried apricots! That's a new one on me.

Don't see how the cat could have gotten into any.

It could be a food allergy rather than an intolerance, you know. They used to think that rashes, hives, asthma, anaphylaxis etc. were the only usual food allergy reactions. Me, I get none of those: instead I get a trip to the john, sometimes instantly, sometimes only once, sometimes lasting 12 hours. When it started, I told my allergist, and they tested me up for some of the worst food reactions they'd ever seen.

I have no problem with hot spices, either. Especially Mexican. Interestingly, there's an H2 receptor antihistamine derived from jalapeno peppers.

Desert Cat said...

Could be. It's like a freight train, or a bushel of runaway bowling balls rattling through my bowels. From the time I eat the first bite of dried apricot to the time my entire alimentary canal simply MUST! EVACUATE! NOW!!, all of two hours passes.

It doesn't even take much. A few bits in a bag of trail mix is what triggered the "bear in the woods" story.