Sunday, May 15, 2005

Little Miss Attila

My friend Miss Attila is more than that. She's also my blogmom, just as Desert Cat is my blogdad.

As a digitally challenged newbie, I'm a babe in the woods in this brave new forum of blogging. So much so, in fact, that I haven't quite figured out yet how to do such a thing as a blogroll. No matter how much I'd like to put them on it.

But I'll get there. Baby steps.

No one could ask for a better blogmom and blogdad. I am so honored to be able to claim them. I hope to do them proud.


Desert Cat said...

Big grin here. I was somewhat uncertain of the protocol regarding blogparents. It appeared that the standard was that one claimed one's parents rather than vice versa. Needless to say, I'm pleased. :)

k said...

dadda! dadda! mmmmrrrowww!!! prrrrrrrrrr prrrrrrrrr prrrrrrrr!!!