Friday, May 12, 2006

Same Blooming Cactus, Caught in the Light of Day

This is the little strip of yard we call the Western Garden. I gave it to Walter and he named it. It's on the west side of the yard, and full of the western type plants he likes. With lots more to come.

The blue agave to the left isn't mine, it's my neighbor's. That's how narrow this piece of yard is.

The bigger blooming cactus is in the back. It's very early morning here - not full daylight yet - and the rain just stopped. The flowers are still open.

Another piece of that cactus is in front. It has one flower on it, way up EXACTLY on top. If you listen really hard you can almost hear its little-sibling voice saying, Me too! Me too!

One ray of early light is catching the flowers on the big one...and so they start to close their eyes and head off to bed.

Posted by Picasa Just like me.

Good night.


Desert Cat said...

I caught a couple similar to those blooming in my front yard last weekend. I took some photos, but haven't posted them yet.

Marti P said...


k said...

Thank you! These were quite a surprise to me. First time blooms.

And DC, you are RIGHT! Clearly I'm no botanist either, how could I have missed it? This IS a cereus not a euphorb! Oh, joy and happiness! I really do have such mixed feelings about those euphorbs. All that poisonous sap.

Cereus peruvianus it is. Thus, the local common term *Peruvian cactus.* A real for real cactus. Walter will be SO pleased.

And me too for this: Another Mystery Rescue Plant identified.

I like to know what they are.